PEAC Central Support Group (In-person)
PEAC Central Support Group (Virtual)
Meets once a month on the second
Tuesday of every month (Oct-May)
Hartland Public Library (HPL is not a sponsor)
110 E. Park Avenue Hartland, WI
Aimee J Palmer, Facilitator
Meets once a month on the last Tuesday of every month over Zoom
7-8:00pm CST
Aimee J Palmer, Facilitator
Please email for invitation to the meeting
PEAC Eastern Support Group (Virtual)
PEAC AZ Support Group (Virtual)
Meets once a month on the third Thursday of every month over Zoom
7-8:00pm EST
Gail Ehrlich, Facilitator
Please email for invitation to the meeting

Meets once a month on second Monday of every month over Zoom
4:30 pm AZ time
Heather Morgan, Facilitator
Please email for invitation to the meeting
PEAC PACIFIC Support Group (Virtual)
Meets every Sunday over Zoom
6:00pm PST
Barbara Searcy, Facilitator
Please email for invitation to the meeting
PEAC Dayton Support Group (In-person)
Meets every 2nd Tuesday of every month
5:00pm EST
Boston Stoker
215 N. Main Street Centerville, OH
Patti Ciambro-Hesp, Facilitator
PEAC Indianapolis Support Group (In-person)
Looking for a location to meet
Jeanette Etnier, Facilitator